Financial Coach

Say Hello  to Peace with Money
and Goodbye to Overwhelm and Confusion


Rewire Your Relationship with Money, Master Your Cash Flow, Overcome Debt and Invest Wisely 

Learn from experts in Financial Literacy,  Investing and Financial Therapy. Regulate your nervous system so you can learn with more ease and joy.

It's Not Your Fault...

The struggle is real and you’re not bad or incapable.  They don’t teach us this stuff in school. You’re just expected to know it. It’s ridiculous how little we understand about money.  


It’s NOT  just about the money either, it’s also about your mindset, habits and behaviours and to be honest many of us have MONEY TRAUMA from past experiences.


If your money is a source of confusion, overwhelm and shame. You just may need to REWIRE your money operating system!! You need to create a New Money Identity from the ground up.

REWIRE YOUR WEALTH  is not just a program. It’s a system for transformation. It’s a community, it’s a foundation for wealth.


Money is An Inside Job and Rewire Your Wealth is your ticket for more...peace, joy and confidence.  




No more hiding, no more doing it all by yourself. No more wondering if you’re just not good with money or that there is something wrong with you.

Why does looking at Money make so many of us break out in a cold sweat? 

  • Your stomach is in a knot because you don't have enough money for all your bills this month and it's another week till you get paid!
  • When you talk with your Financial Advisor it sounds like gibberish, you're afraid to admit you don’t understand.

  • Every time you broach the subject of money with your partner, it turns into an argument.

  • You’re ashamed you haven’t done your taxes for the last five years.
  • You’re working your ass off but still living paycheck to paycheck.
  • You feel you’re too old to start investing, it’s too late for you.

  • You’re ashamed you haven’t done your taxes for the last five years.
  • You feel you’re too old to start investing, it’s too late for you.

You look at all your debt and you make a vow...

"I'll deal with this debt, once and for all." 

You create a budget, but you don’t follow it. 

A whole year goes by and you're further in debt than when you started.

And you want to claim bankruptcy or run away to another country?


This is Your Invitation




This is Your Time

It’s not about how much money you have in the bank.


By creating a healthy relationship with money, you can grow your wealth no matter when you start.


You can create the life of your dreams and stop feeling stressed and worried that there’s never enough.

By taking the step to heal your relationship with money and become empowered financially you will begin the journey towards more Peace, Joy and Confidence.


Learn how to manage money wisely from the financial coaches that understand.


You're actually far more powerful than you think.

What would happen if you could Rewire your nervous system and Become a Master with your Money?



Imagine how different your life would be if you learned how to manage money wisely



What if you could open up your bank account and feel excited to see your money grow?


What if you loved to talk about investing with your friends and family?


What if the feeling of scarcity and anxiety you heard as a child was a memory from the past?


What if you could finally buy that home you've been dreaming about AND you have money in your savings account to decorate it?


What if you could retire 10 years earlier than you expected.



What if when someone trys to sell you something you don't need at the bank and you say 'no F*&! ing thankyou.' 


What if you everything was possible, and you knew exactly what to do to make your dreams a reality?


Here’s the crazy good news:


Even if you can’t fully visualize all of that right now, we know that you can do all of this and more.


Because we did it and so did hundreds of other people that have gone through this program.


You don’t have to hide anymore! This is a clear, actionable way to build a solid Financial Foundation! Without hating or dreading the process.


What if it could be easy and fun?


Learn all you need to know and take action toward building a solid financial foundation!


From, mindset to a powerful money management system, eliminate debt and start investing. Rewire Your Wealth through our four-module course:


"In just one year, our clients went from living paycheck to paycheck to increasing their networth by over 40K."


Want to see what’s inside?


Rewire Your Wealth

Your 12 Month Blueprint for transforming your relationship with money.


Learn the 4 elements you need to increase your peace of mind with money, create powerful structures to capture and leverage your money, master your debt once and for all and build the confidence to start investing and grow your wealth.

A self-paced program backed by an engaged community of like-minded people. Be a part of a Money Pod. A monthly Live Call to answer questions and to keep you abreast of any new changes that may be happening. Because finance is always changing.


Module 1

Rewire Your Money Mindset

Have you ever felt like you have this unconscious sabateur that destroys all that you build? You know you have a scarcity mindset but you just don’t know how to change it?  You have no idea where to start and you want someone to lead the way?

You'll learn what your patterns and motivations are with money. You'll get clear on what’s holding you back. Identify and replace limiting beliefs with new empowering ones.

We have the tools that you can implement right away to move you into an abundance mindset. Learn how to regulate your nervous system so that you can enjoy the process of learning about Money.

From targeted Hypnotherapy sessions that will Rewire those unconscious programs, EFT Tapping to get out of fight or flight behaviours. Learn how to embody the life you want with money.

Get ready to unlock the potential for wealth

Module 2

Build Your Money Ecosystem

Now that you've clarified and processed some of your limiting beliefs around your mindset with money, it's time to start diving into the real numbers. Learn how to build a Money Ecosystem that will support all areas of your life. Get clear on what's coming in and what's going out.

Build an Ecosystem that can expand and contract with your life. Get clear on where your money is flowing. Set up systems that are automatic and aligned with your dreams.

In this module we give you our Blueprint for Wealth  that will support you to create lasting change. Once it's up and running you'll see the unexpected growth and finally feel at ease with your money.

Imagine having enough money for all the things you desire in your life. By the end of this Module you'll understand where all your money goes and make real time decisions along the way.

Module 3

Master your Debt

Are you in Debt and don’t know how to stop it? Have you had to go into debt because of a job loss or a sickness?

Are you ashamed of how much debt you have?

Or maybe you don’t care. You've had debt for so long it seems like a part of you.

Are you just praying to get to $0?

This module will not only help you get out of debt and stay out of debt,  but we’re  going to dive deeper  into how to use debt to your advantage.

Even if you don’t have Debt you will want to learn everything you can from this module.

Module 4

Become An Empowered Investor

What's great about this course is we move you step-by-step towards more growth, more freedom and more abundance. This Module highlights your journey as a measurable and exciting opportunity.

Are you ready to learn how to invest? We take your hand and start at the very beginning. We equip you with an Investing confidence built on sound financial principles. No jargon is going to throw you off again.

You’ll learn what to invest in. What is ethical investing and how do you do it? Who can  you trust?  Learn to Rebalance and Review your portfolio regularly. Measure your progress.. Learning how to minimize your risk, take money off the table and to be savvy and empowered with your portfolio. And of course, how do you take the emotion out of investing?

If you don't want to do it yourself. Learn, how to get the right person in your corner.  Become Empowered with Investing and be the leader with your money.

Deep Dive Modules


Our Platform-Specific Deep Dive Trainings

Have you ever bought a program and all the information is outdated within a couple of months? We regularly update new changes in the financial world. We create the monthly calls to address your specific issues and answer your questions, so you’re always on the leading edge of financial choices and decisions. Our Deep Dive Modules are always growing and will continue to expand.
You will have a robust Tool Box filled with meditations, hypnotherapy sessions, somatic practices to highlight and work with your specific challenges. 
  • EFT Tapping to regulate your nervous system
  • Separating Business and Personal Finances
  • Updates on the newest Money Hacks
  • Pdf’s and scripts on how to negotiate with: bills, loans, advisors
  • Excel Sheets to stay organized and on track


Meet Your Mentors and Guides on this Journey
The Financial Coaches

Jennifer and Brenda have crafted this 12 month Rewire Your Wealth Program as a labour of love. Empowering people to be wealthy, healthy and happy is what Rewire is all about. Aligning your dollars with your dreams is the most important thing you can do for yourself, your family, your community and the planet. So who are these two beings?

Jennifer Thompson

Financial Advisor/Money Coach

I have loved money all my life. It just made sense to me. My father was a Financial Officer and we discussed economics and the financial markets from as far back as I can remember.

I knew I would work with money since I was a child. I got my degree in economics and became a Financial Advisor over 25 years ago.

I have worked in various areas of banking - primarily as a certified financial planner and licensed investment advisor.

It was easy for me. I breathe this stuff.

However, even though I loved helping people achieve their financial goals, I also knew that numerous elements in the system were toxic.

The ever-increasing targets and the pressure to sell products people didn’t need started to gnaw at me.

I left and spent the next few years writing and publishing financial books while visiting the most beautiful beaches worldwide. 

Then I met Brenda and aligned with her mission to create a powerful dynamic system for others to Master Money.

I know that money can be used as an effective tool to affect people’s lives positively.

Empowering women to be financially savvy makes me come alive.

Helping people plan their retirement, select investments that align with their values and build wealth, without having to work in the financial system, gives me renewed purpose.

I love teaching and sharing all that I know. Money knowledge and know-how should not be a secret.

It is your right and it is my mission to give you access to this knowledge

Brenda St Louis

Financial Therapist/Money Coach

I have been a therapist for almost 30 years. The body/mind/spirit connection has always been my jam.  Massage therapist, cranial-sacral therapist, somatic therapist, financial therapist, to money coach. (AFCC, CMC, TMF)

An international speaker, coach and author, featured on podcasts, radio and television.

Exploring how we lock ourselves up physically and emotionally and finding our way to more peace, joy and confidence has always been my work in the world.


But in 2010 (in clown school), the clarity and absolute certainty of what I was supposed to do with my life hit me on the head and

...without a shadow of a doubt... I KNEW!

A voice basically shouted…’You are to transform the consciousness of money on this planet from a culture of separation to a conduit for love and connection.’  From that moment on I haven’t stopped.

For  nearly two decades, I’ve worked with money as my vehicle for change, consistently showing up and challenging the status quo. My life is dedicated to creating a new way to interact with money so that it can sustain all of us and create more connection to ourselves, our communities and the planet. What if how we related with money could change everything?

Rewire Your Wealth has been a labour of love and is part of this mission. Building our company Money and Desire with Jennifer has made it possible to serve more people and change lives. 

Writing is a way to impact more people. Fiction, non-fiction, articles, podcast and blogs. My new novel “The Lost Synapse” will be out in 2025.

"This...has been a life changer. I no longer lay awake at night worrying...”

I now have a system and it works! I worked through some of my emotional money blocks… too and I felt … so supportive and full of encouragement. They truly care and it shows …  I highly recommend Rewire Your Wealth!

-Linda Parke-

"My only regret is that we didn't find Rewire Your Wealth earlier...

Rewire Your Wealth was transformative, not just for me, personally, but for my whole family. The guidance, enthusiasm and kindness make this a program like no other. I am confident now that we never would have gained the knowledge that we learned through this program from any other financial source. My only regret is that we didn't find Rewire your Wealth earlier.

 -Monique Cherrie-


REWIRE YOUR WEALTH arms you with all you need to know and take action toward building a solid financial foundation! So you can live the life of your dreams. What if money could be a source for peace and joy?


What if your money created more connection with the people in your life?


The moment you join you get instant access to all the modules, the deep dives, the tool box and all the updates that are added to the program.


As you start moving through the modules you can hop into our private community to ask questions, gather feedback and support. We will be very active in those conversations so don’t hold back.


Let’s Talk About The Monthly Calls




Let’s Talk About The Monthly Calls



This is our favourite hour of the month. We will have lectures that highlight changes in our financial landscape, live one-on-one coaching, Q and A and of course time to feel the support of our incredible community.

Fast Track Your Success

The 12 calls are to support you on this journey. Being live on the call is a key ingredient to speeding up your success. You can watch the REPLAY but we highly recommend showing up and being seen through this process.


Ask questions and be surrounded with like minded people. This is what a healthy relationship with money needs, community is very important. No more hiding, we want to hear from each and every one of you.


Membership in a private Facebook Group. Be assigned to an Accountability Money Pods. Lifelong money buddies are created here. 




Is Now The Time?

Are you ready?


We Got You.

You’re ready to become a Master With Your Money    and transform your relationship with money both emotionally and physically. If any of these scenarios make you want to send a Raise Hand Emoiji. 🖐🏽

  • 🖐🏽  You're fairly new to exploring money and you think you're way behind and you'll never catch up. And you don’t want it to take forever before you see your money growing.
  •  🖐🏽  You’ve been saving and investing for a long time and your investments never go up. You just don’t understand what you're doing wrong. Questioning your financial advisor feels intimidating, especially because you don’t understand how to read your statements. You have kids, a big job, you’re  running a business and you have no extra bandwidth?
  •  🖐🏽  You're  in touch with your feelings, you meditate, you’ve been in a lot of therapy. Money is the last thing on the list. Now is the time. If you wait any longer you're not going to have the life you have been trying to manifest in your meditations.
  • 🖐🏽  You've left all the money stuff to your partner and now you don’t have a partner. You now have to figure it out on your own. It makes you want to throw up thinking about it. There’s lots of money there but looking at it makes you feel overwhelmed and maybe even stupid...remember you're not stupid even if you feel you are.
  • 🖐🏽  You're ready to roll up your sleeve and figure this stuff out once and for all. Putting in time and getting your money house in order will serve you, your family, your community and the world. Now’s the time!! And you want to make it as easy as you possibly can.

Words From Past Participants

Sounds Great!

How Much Does It Cost?

When you enroll today you will gain access to:

All Four Modules

Over 60 short educational videos

  • Rewire Your Money Mindset
  • Build a Money Ecosystem
  • Master your Debt
  • Become an Empowered Investor 

( VALUE: $2997)

  •  The Deep Dive Modules

(Value: $497)

  • Full Tool Box of Hypnotherapy, EFT Practices  

(Value: $497)

  •  Ongoing updates (Value $497)
  •  Private Facebook Community (PRICELESS)
  • Assigned to a Money Pod  (PRICELESS)
  • 12 Live Q and A Zoom Call (Value: $1200) 


    That's a Total Value of over 5K


I'm Ready!
But shrug off that sticker shock, because we are not charging anywhere near that to transform your relationship with money and Rewire Your Wealth once and for all.


We want this course to be accessible to everyone who is ready to master their money and live the life of their dreams. No matter what stage of life you’re in. If you’re ready to take your journey with money to the next level you’re in the right place.

The Investment for Rewire Your Wealth is only




You get all of it!

And you can go on this journey for a whole year with us.

Imagine what your life will be like in one year from now?





3 Mthly Payments


Can't swing it all at once


12 Mthly Payments


Need to space it our even more




I'm Ready! I want this!


"The shame I felt about being so far behind was so... painful.. I knew I needed help."

I was 6 years behind in my taxes, and - aside from paying off my credit card every month. I was living pay cheque to pay cheque while making great money ... after taking Rewire Your Wealth, I literally didn't recognize who I had become. I LIKED talking about money, LIKED looking at my numbers and found pleasure in seeing them grow. The journey took some work but wow. Utter game changer.

-Sarah Penfold- Project Manager







So, if you were ready YESTERDAY to become a Master with Your Money and Rewire your Mindset, Your Money, and Your Investments... it's time to become a part of this powerful community.


Rewire Your Wealth with...

Our 4 Curriculum Trainings

  • 1. Rewire Your Money Mindset
  •  2. Build a Money Ecosystem
  •  3. Master Your Debt
  •  4. Become An Empowered Investor
  •  The Deep Dive Modules
  •  A Tool Box of Hypnotherapy, EFT Practices 
  •  12 Monthly Live Q and A Calls
  •  Access to Private Facebook Community
  • Assigned to a Money Pod

Create money as your committed partner and a nurturing support on this journey of life. Become the Leader with money, not the follower, and create a life that you are proud of.

Become A Leader with Your Money NOW!



Best Value


3 Mnthly PMTS


Can't swing it all at once


12 Mnthly PMTS


Need to space it out more


We are so confident in the value of this program and we are willing to offer a 100% Money-Back Guarantee. You are protected by our 30-Day MONEY BACK GUARANTEE. If REWIRE YOUR WEALTH isn‘t everything we promised, then just let us know within 30 Days of purchase and you‘ll get your entire investment in the program back